.wmy wouldn't everywhere use geomatch HumanAI liveliood refugees -related AIverygood KC3.dev, worldclassLLM, EconomistWomen.com, AIverygood
Play AI.Games ---Architect Intelligence your brain needs most : update with AI gamma beta alpha tours;
help compile each year's AIverygood.com
"Worlds" published by Melinda Gates- Moment of Lift with Flatiron Books, original nonfiction by visionaries AISdgs 5 : working to unlock a more equal world for women and girls
advanced stuff value expsai.com 33 years of ignoring valuetrue exp maths is a shame- will 23-24 be the year that ai maths is used to correctly map sustainability features - exponential not linear; multiplicative not ad; at its most natural borderless not siloised by fake media or false competition

Thursday, December 31, 1970

help welcomed in updating these 4 columns - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk 
Architects Intel: Top human recommendation from AI Games tagged by UN SDGs... eg 5 women 4 ed, 3 health, 2 feed, 1 financial platforms end poverty
5womensai by women
West Coast
Fei-Fei Li  +4,3
Melinda Gates  +3
Priscilla Chan  +3
Condoleezza Rice 
Jennifer Dowds 3
Mrs Tsai 3 4 
Mrs Tandon 4
San Dieg
Zaa Marselian 4
Lila Ibrahim 
Keju Jin
Sheika Moza 4 3
Reeta Roy
Sunita Gandhi
5  ai4all men
Page & Brin
Andrew Ng
Jerry Yang
Steve Jobs
Linus Torvaulds
Fazle Abed all goals
Antonio Guterres all goals
4 education 
Charles Yidan\
Paulo Freire
Gordon Dryden
3 Health
Jim Kim
Larry Brilliant
2 Food
1 End poverty
quadir family
abdul latif
Harrison Owen
Peter Drucker
Green Truths
WEangaari Maathai
Neville Williams
Buckminster Fuller

Lee Kuan Yew
Li Ka Shing
Ezra Vogel
Chang & Chang

Origins of 100 times more
George Orwell
Bullet Trais
Satellite Telecoms

With November's publication of the Worlds I See, we expect to add many more world class open AI curricula - here are some for starters thanks to inspiration of Fei-Fei Li, Stanford and AI4all first funded by Melinda Gates and CEO of Nvidia from 2017 doe these action learning freedoms 

AI &
AI & Art 
AI & Dance:

curriculum resources

 Neural Networks part 1; part 2 & transformers

\Generative Adversarial networks,  

  Convolutional NN

curricula for taking responsibility to never do bad with tech

Ethics  versus Deep Fakes

Facial Recognition

Play the AIGames 
to find out who's human intel is on under 30's side.

2 viewpoints on what personalised livelihood/lifelong learning could look like as for 73 years since EconomistDiary and friends have been inspired to celebrate surveys inspired by von neumann - this has been hypothesised as likely to explain sustainability or extinction
As of ! Sept 2023 Bard says: Personalised learning and skills ownership by humans could look like many things in the future, but some possibilities include:
  • Learning that is tailored to the individual's interests, learning style, and skills. This could be done using AI-powered learning platforms that can track students' progress and recommend personalized learning activities.
  • Learning that is embedded in real-world experiences. This could involve students learning by doing, such as through internships, apprenticeships, or service learning.
  • Learning that is collaborative and social. This could involve students working together on projects, sharing ideas, and giving and receiving feedback.
  • Learning that is lifelong and ongoing. This could involve students continuously learning new skills and knowledge, regardless of their age or stage in life.
  • Learning that is owned by the learner. This could involve students taking responsibility for their own learning, setting their own goals, and choosing their own learning activities.

If education were designed around maximizing each human's experiential and cooperative lifelong/livelihood learning, it would likely involve the following elements:

  • A focus on experiential learning. This would involve students learning by doing, through hands-on experiences, internships, apprenticeships, and service learning.
  • A focus on collaboration and teamwork. This would involve students working together on projects, sharing ideas, and giving and receiving feedback.
  • A focus on lifelong learning. This would involve students continuously learning new skills and knowledge, regardless of their age or stage in life.
  • A focus on student ownership of learning. This would involve students taking responsibility for their own learning, setting their own goals, and choosing their own learning activities.
  • A focus on diversity and inclusion. This would involve ensuring that all students have access to high-quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.

These are just a few possibilities for what personalized learning and skills ownership by humans could look like in the future. It is important to remember that education is a complex and ever-evolving field, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best way to design education for the future is to continue to innovate and experiment, and to listen to the needs of students and educators.

list of 20 connecting technologies - when i went to school in the 1960s the best brain tool was the slide ruler- we have come a long way since then and humansai may best be viewed as recipe making with all sorts of intelligence and humanly conscious tools
as of 1 September 2023 Bard says: here are 20 fast-changing technologies that good AI works with:
  1. Blockchain: A distributed ledger technology that allows secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions. AI can be used to improve the efficiency and security of blockchain applications.
  2. Quantum computing: A type of computing that uses quantum mechanics to perform calculations that are exponentially faster than traditional computers. AI can be used to develop new quantum algorithms and applications.
  3. Internet of Things (IoT): A network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors and software that allows them to collect and exchange data. AI can be used to analyze IoT data to improve efficiency, safety, and security.
  4. 5G: The fifth generation of cellular network technology that offers faster speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity. AI can be used to optimize 5G networks and develop new applications for 5G.
  5. Robotics: The field of engineering that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. AI can be used to make robots more intelligent and autonomous.
  6. Augmented reality (AR): A technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world. AI can be used to create more realistic and immersive AR experiences.
  7. Virtual reality (VR): A technology that creates a simulated environment that can be experienced by the user. AI can be used to create more realistic and engaging VR experiences.
  8. Natural language processing (NLP): A field of computer science that deals with the interaction between computers and human (natural) languages. AI can be used to develop NLP models that can understand and generate human language.
  9. Machine learning (ML): A type of AI that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed. ML is used in a wide variety of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and fraud detection.
  10. Deep learning: A type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. Deep learning is used in a wide variety of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition.
  11. Computer vision: A field of computer science that deals with the extraction of information from digital images or videos. AI can be used to develop computer vision algorithms that can identify objects, track motion, and recognize faces.
  12. Speech recognition: A technology that allows computers to understand human speech. AI can be used to develop speech recognition systems that can transcribe audio recordings into text.
  13. Generative adversarial networks (GANs): A type of machine learning model that can generate realistic and creative content. GANs are used in a variety of applications, including image generation, text generation, and music generation.
  14. Self-driving cars: Cars that are capable of driving themselves without human intervention. AI is used to develop the sensors, software, and algorithms that allow self-driving cars to navigate the world safely and efficiently.
  15. Personalized medicine: The use of AI to develop treatments that are tailored to the individual patient. AI is used to analyze patient data to identify patterns and risks, and to develop personalized treatment plans.
  16. Climate change mitigation: The use of AI to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. AI is used to develop new technologies, optimize existing processes, and make better decisions about resource allocation.
  17. Artificial general intelligence (AGI): A hypothetical type of AI that would have the ability to understand and reason like a human being. AGI is still a long way off, but it is one of the most promising and controversial areas of AI research.
  18. Ethics of AI: The study of the ethical implications of AI. This is a rapidly growing field, as AI becomes more and more powerful.
  19. Regulating AI: The development of laws and regulations to govern the development and use of AI. This is a complex and challenging task, as AI is a rapidly evolving technology.
  20. Security of AI: The protection of AI systems from cyberattacks. This is a critical issue, as AI systems could be used to launch cyberattacks or to spread disinformation.
.....................................adam smith's biggest idea- what if we go west of scotland/iceland happily exploring the benefits machines can bring to man- declare an interdepedence uniting states that speak english- by all means this could be headquartered out of philadelphia under one condition- slavery is not just repealed but everywhere compensates business owners whose model depends on slavery or low cost labour and redesigns business models around all lives matter- this machines and humans could spread from celtic islands dow nova scotia bew england, boston and new ireland, new neth=erlands and new york, philidephia down the east atlantic coast across to the south coast and louisana purchase north through the hearland to the great lakes west to what became americas most innovative state california and the west pacific cast- across to asia where two thirs of humans lived trapped mainly in the english empire system- just imagine if all livesmatter had linked in places around the world at the same times as machines and grids connecting infrastructure from electricity to telecoms to digital technologies - is there anyway nations can unite round sustaining children everywhere if the 2020s fails to celebrate the boundless belief in human goodwill that adam's maps of conecting we the peoples sought to celebrate

CLASS -rsvp

2015 Walter Johnson High- Isabella

we second jim kim's motion - why shouldnt millennials be most educated, connected, socially collaborative human race

however there are lots of failing systems around? eg at 2013 nobel peac summit said my elders at Gadansk would have killed me if they had known what i was doing - you see 95% of trade of dghask was with moscow- so my docekers were going to be out of work- but sometimes for youth to progess elders need to sacrifice their systems which are broken anyohow- fortuanltely for me john paul took up the cause of poland for its future generations

can you help us list them
most jobs will no longer come from passing exams

banks that either trap you in debt or in speculating on property are the bigegst enemy of investing in learning economy and sustainability

its impossible for teachers and government workers who have the bets pensions in a nation to understand how much that is being bailed out by the next generation in any nation where there are more elders than youth

investing in peace isnt the same as arms races any more- thiose education poeerrs that be who do not encoyrage etaching every kind of cultural exchnage should be booted out yesrterday

the sky rocketing socts to students of us universities is part of the biggest disinvestmant any parental generation has ever made in its children- what peculiar is how most parnets know a places futire depends on ibvesting in youth but the big institutions that represent us the peoples now spin exactly opposite consequences
Pre 2010 questioning frind of muhammad yunus and bankers for poor and mobile partners of women4empowerment

here is some of our old sidebar

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